Hi to all! I have returned from my first teaching job in what seems like forever!! I taught watercolor to quilt in Santa Fe New Mexico for MISA, Madeline Island School of the Arts. It was great! The students were delightful. I enjoyed it very much and since I lived in Santa Fe for 25 years it was great to be back and see all my friends and family. Lots of hiking by myself around town and a beautiful hike in the Mountains with my two Granddaughters, a visit through the window with my two grandsons, window shopping and photos along canyon road of sculptures and doors. Pictures are at the end of the newsletter.
Two Online (Email-Based) Classes Starting
Color and Composition, begins June 7, 2021

Join me and 10 participants for a dynamic online class focusing on color and composition. This is a personal in-depth study.
Working in a Series, begins June 17, 2021

A series is a group of works that continues an idea from one piece to the next. It is a way to create unified pieces that give an individual voice to your work and to get deeper into your work through technique, design and color.
Visit my Online Classes to Learn More and Signup
Hudson River Valley Workshop, June 6 to 11, Hudson River Valley New York
Next month I will be teaching at the Hudson River Valley Workshop. I have taught here every year for years and just love it . A beautiful B&B with gourmet food and a big classroom.
I will be teaching a class based on paintings, this one being with acrylic paint. We create several canvases in a chosen color scheme then cut them up to make a composition. We then transform that composition with fabric to create a wall quilt. Here are some sample stitched paintings.
Here is the link to learn more about the Hudson River Valley workshop: Learn more and signup.
Virtual Zoom-Based Class
Jumpstarting Your Creativity, 4 Sessions: July 3, August 7, September 4, and October 2
This is my one and only Zoom Class. I am in the middle of the first one that started in February and I will be presenting it one more time starting in July. Limit of 100 participants.

Here is a recent review: “YOU are a Wonder Woman! I DO love your teaching. Today’s class was content rich, quickly paced which works best for me, intriguing assignments, great use of the Zoom format and perfect opportunity for Q and A. I really am intrigued with how you combine Painting and Fabric Art. The photos from other classes at the end were GREAT. Thanks for keeping the videos up for all 4 months. EXCELLENT class in every way. I can’t wait to get started on the assignments. Thanks very much for doing this.”
Visit my Online Classes to Learn More and Signup
I had a great time in Santa Fe, New Mexico! Walking along Canyon Road was my morning activity each day before class.

Big Scissors! What self-respecting quilter wouldn’t stop to capture a photo of these beauties!!
Bright colored sculptures appeared to be growing out of the ground.
I love doorways and there were a lot of fun ones.
Window shopping and spectacle shopping !! I found a great pair of frames that are getting the lenses put in and I will show you those next newsletter.

Hiking with my granddaughters.