October, 2014: It is fall. I love fall! I love the cooler temperatures and my walks with my dogs out in all of the colorful leaves. My quilt for Quilt National was not chosen for the show. Bummer here is the quilt I call it Terraqueous – of land and water.

and water 51″x70″
I am organizing for two big shows. The Houston Quilt Festival where I will be teaching two, two day classes, giving a lecture and also helping man the booth with my best friend Randalyn Perkins for the Alegre Retreat.
We will be in booth 1736 so stop by to see us and find out all about Alegre Retreat, also check us out at www.alegreretreat.com and on Facebook.
Then after the Houston Show I fly directly to Tahoe for the Art Quilt Tahoe quilt conference. One of my favorites. Then it will be time to slow down and enjoy the winter season. One of my favorites because there is not much teaching and traveling in the month of November and December and I get to spend a lot of time in my studio. I would like to get back to painting again so I am planning on fixing up the garage, where I paint, so that I can paint through the winter cold. Just a little heater should fix that up. So Enjoy the winter and keep in stitching and creating.
love and hugs