Happy New Year to everyone. I had a very special Christmas celebration with my daughter, husband and 9 month old grandson. It was delightful to watch a young child enjoy the Christmas tree. In February I am teaching in Santa Fe so will get to spend time with 4 of my other grand kids so that will be exciting then in May we are all going to Disneyland!!!!!! That is my line up for family enjoyment so far for 2019.
In between I will be teaching around the country. I love teaching and traveling so it looks to be a good strong year ahead of me. I am diligently working on getting some old projects off my design wall so I can once again work on some new pieces for my still life series.
I have finished some pieces from my new class “Jumpstarting your Creativity” a five day course where each day we do different design explorations.
One is using an inspiration photo to create a grid composition based on the colors and directions of movement from the photo
Another lesson is Distorted still life. where you start with a fused still life then cut it up and arrange it