July, 2015: 4th of July!! The year is half over already!! I was hoping to be moved out to California by now but the market is not going as fast as I had hoped. So My beautiful home with a quilters studio, open floor plan, manly shop and guest house is still for sale. Google 235 Rancho Alegre Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87508 and maybe you would like to move to Santa Fe and live on this lovely property. My family reunion was so much fun here in Santa Fe. Made me miss them all the more and pray for my house to sell soon so I can be closer to them. I got a note from my first photographer ever, Lindsay Olsen and we were reminiscing how over 30 years ago he began taking pictures of my “rugs” as he affectionately calls them.
He has moved and down sized and I had traded him one of my first art quilts and now he is hoping to sell it to someone with some wall space to display it.
He is asking $5,000.00 for it, if you are interested let me know. Cosmic Kaleidescope 50″ x 59″ was a favorite of the time (1980) and was started in a workshop with Jeff Gutcheon.

This is a full month! I am off to teach at the Sisters Out door show on the 5th for a full week
of classes then home for a week then off to Quilting by the Lake in Syracuse. Both venues I am teaching working in a series so I am very excited about that.
I am also in the Earlville Galleries Contemporary Art Quilts exhibition: July 11- August 29, 2015 with two of my pieces I hope if you are in the area you will stop on by. It is an honor to be included! The Earlville Galleries at the Opera House are located at 18 East Main Street in Earlville. For more information, call 315-691-3550 or go online at earlvilleoperahouse.com
Hope you have a super summer
love and hugs