All posts by K@KatiePM

Hi Everyone!

It is the start of the new year. Not so smooth yet but hopefully everything will get better and we can enjoy each other once again. I am still not able to travel to teach so in the meantime I am going to do a live virtual class called Jumpstarting Your Creativity!! It is four sessions of formal art considerations. You can sign up now, the classes start the first Monday of February and go the next three months for a total of 4 sessions. They will go live at 11:00 AM PST. I am very excited about this course.

I will be home in my studio showing you how to create four ideas of mine and hopefully help you to discover ways of creating your own “rules” for individual art pieces. Someday that may become a virtual class as well. I really enjoy teaching in person in a classroom with students to interact with but this virtual teaching is the next best thing and allows many more people to join in. 

In the meantime, I am working on the second in my new series on grid work. Here is an image of the first in the series. It is 45 inches by 55 inches and very fun to  make. Hang in there! Stay safe! And keep creating.

love and hugs, katiepm

Happy New Year

2020 is out and 2021 is starting off not so great but we will get through this together. I am getting a lot of quilting and painting done with all of this time at home in my studio. So I can’t complain about that. I am very blessed to have such a strong desire to get something creative done every day. I think it has really helped me get through this solitary time. Of course I am not totally alone, I have my three dogs that make me walk every morning which helps with the cabin fever effect. I also have a great quaranteam of my sister and her family and my cousin Holly. We are all staying very safe so that we can get together now and then. I am working toward doing some live online classes and will be airing my first one in February and hoping to do at least one a month. If you might be interested send me an email and I will put you on the invitation list. katiepm505@gmail.comuntil then keep on creating!

love and virtual hugs,


Hi Everyone!

Thanks for checking in here with me. It is a very strange time we are all living in due to COVID. Not so hard for single quilters!! Lots of time in my studio. My heart goes out to those with children and husbands with everyone staying at home. I miss not having that sometimes but mostly I am thankful that I can just be in my studio working on my quilts. All of my jobs have been canceled from March to the end of the year and I am waiting to see if work will begin again in the new year. Oh how I wait for a new year. This one pretty much sucks. I have been filling my time with a new vegetable garden for the first time in my life and really loving it and doing lots of dehydrating cause I can’t eat it all as fast as it comes up. but it is really fun. Working on three quilts for the Quilt National entry. that has kept me busy for the last three months. In Between making masks and quilts for my grandkids using all of the leftover strips from my log cabin quilts. Here is a picture of the grandkids with their quilts. Once a month my quarenteam , my sister and her husband and my cousin go up to our house boat on Trinity lake three hours away for a few days of water, sun fun and games. That keeps me sane, something to look forward to once a month. Every morning I walk my three big dogs and they are my other quarenteam and keep me sane as well. Love these boys, Ziggy the chesapeake retriever, Jack the yellow lab and Buddy the Australian shepherd. I have to walk them separately now so I get three walks a morning, they love the individual attention. Believe it or not I used to walk all three of them together but I am getting old and they are getting too strong and tend to try to pull me over. so one at a time is best. I hope that you are all doing well and that someday we can all be together again safely.

love and hugs, katiepm